wawa fertility

Shipped 5 months ago

Introducing the Command Bar

Jump to patients and take action more quickly with the command bar.


  • The command bar is a new feature that allows you to quickly jump to patients and take action, too.
  • It’s available on every page in the app, and you can summon it with a hotkey. Use CMD + K on Mac, CTRL + K on Windows.
  • You can search for patients by name, and jump to their record by hitting Enter.
  • When you’re on a patient’s record, you can also take actions - like booking an appointment, or adding a note. Give it a go!

Command Bar


We’re keen to hear your thoughts on the command bar - send any feedback, ideas on how it can be improved to us on the Intercom chat!

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It makes our day to hear from you - whether you think it's great, or think something could be improved.

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