wawa fertility

Shipped 6 months ago

Completing consents just got easier

The way we present consent forms has received an upgrade. They're faster, less error-prone, and much easier to complete on a phone.

Simplified on a mobile device

Instead of fiddling around with zooming in-and-out, tapping on tiny boxes - we’ve pulled everything out into a form you fill in on top of the document. For HFEA documents, these are pre-configured. For your custom documents, we’ll work with you to customise the prompts and options to present them as you prefer. This fills in the document underneath.

It supports text, single choice, multiple choice and dates. For dates, we show it in the patients phone’s date-format, but write it back to the document in the format that your clinic requires.


Logic reduces errors

We now support cascaded logic: when a field depends on another field that might not actually “exist” yet. You’ll spend less time coaching patients into completing forms correctly, because it’s much harder to complete them incorrectly.

For example on the HFEA MT form, we hear that patients frequently fill out too many fields.

  • Sperm storage: Here we’ve made new fields required as they have chosen “Yes” and “Less than 10 years”
  • Embryo storage: No choices have been made yet, so we’ve limited what they can complete until they do.


It’s fast!

We’re strong believers that speed matters when it comes to user experience. Our new signing tool is noticably faster: you’ll spend less time waiting for documents to dispatch, and less time completing your signatures. You’ll never see that spinner again!

We replaced it with no disruption

Our service is always improving - and you don’t need to lift a finger! We replaced this automatically on all accounts without any customer or patient disruption.

More auto-completes, fewer mistakes

We’ve added more options for auto-completing into the forms, so patients won’t have to fill out the same things repeatedly. When requesting amendments to a form, we can now pre-fill everything, so patients who made a mistake don’t have to re-type everything else (and potentially make a new mistake!)

We love your feedback 💬

It makes our day to hear from you - whether you think it's great, or think something could be improved.

Chat to us on Intercom.