Shipped 5 months ago

Send letters to any email address

We've updated patient letters to allow you to add others as a carbon-copy, and also changed the way Stork templates work.

cycle outcomes

Updated patient letters

Patient letters

Until now, you could only send a patient letter to the actual patient. Which I suppose made sense given the name - but your feedback was this was too rigid. So we’ve made some changes:

  • You can now download all patient letters as a PDF without actually having to send them first.
  • We’ve added the ability to choose to send a letter to any email address - just type it into the To: or carbon-copy box.
  • If you’ve set a GP in the Patient Information, their email address will be available as a default option.
  • If you’ve connected a partner to this patient, their email address will also be available as a default option.

Stork templates

We automatically pre-fill your Stork templates with your prescriber information - which sounds great, but actually doesn’t work so well if you’re working with a team who might draft these for you.

Now, when creating a prescription, you’ll be able to choose who to create it on-behalf-of. We call this the “Stork OBO flow”. Any prescriber can still dispatch the document, and you could always edit the prescriber ID in the subject line / GMC number at the bottom in order to get someone else to sign it. But this should be a nice little shortcut.

Remember to make it clear who to reply to inside your message template. It might not be clear to the recipient since it’s dispatched from the wawa domain.

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