wawa fertility

Shipped 10 months ago

Introducing utilisations

Tracking what patients have utilised and billing them appropriately is a tricky task. We've made some substantial updates!


Invoicing refreshed

We tackled a few challenges

  • It can be difficult to differentiate between cycle-based billing and non-cycle billing.
  • What’s booked isn’t always what’s utilised. There’s no way to keep track of what’s been billed/proposed as a utilisation today.
  • Care teams and finance teams are focused on different things, but sometimes the overlap in the tooling leads to more confusion than clarity. We wanted to create an opportunity to take advantage of a cleaner boundary.
  • Adding line-items to invoices is a process that’s done manually. Usually someone from finance is scrolling through the calendar to ensure things are tied out - that’s a task we’ve tried to support with simple automation.
  • The general overviews for invoices across patients aren’t as easy to work with as they could be.
  • Different patients pay different prices depending on their insurance status, or based on who’s treating them.
  • The person paying isn’t always the patient.


  • Introducing Utilisations - add a product to a patient from anywhere, and keep that process separate from invoicing. Automatically add utilisations to patients based on booked appointments.
  • We’ve updated our invoice editor. Issue invoices to the partner, set defeault payment terms, view the total outstanding per patient - all designed to save you time and reduce errors.
  • Billing categories introduce support for multiple price lists for products, which you can apply to invoices as they’re issued.
  • The global finance overview got an update too: more powerful filtering, a cleaner layout, and one click to send reminder emails/notifications.


utilisations The people performing the care are often not the people collecting payments. It might not even always be appropriate to invoice, depending on the package the patient has purchased.

We aim to make these problems easier to manage by adding “Utilisations” to a patient - products that are added but not yet invoiced.

  • Products can be automatically added based on appointment types (we’d love your feedback on what else should add Utilisations automatically!)
  • Utilisations can be linked to a cycle - by default, they’re linked to a cycle if it’s active.
  • Utilisations themselves transition from “not invoiced” to “invoiced”, so you can keep track of them throughout the life-cycle.
  • Future logging of utilisations is also possible. Just select the date.
  • Prices are not included on utilisations - that’s determined at invoice time.
  • You can instantly log a product from Quick Actions → Add a Utilisation


Adding a utilisation

Utilisations are Global

  • You don’t need to drill down into a patient profile to see what they’ve utilised.
  • On the Finance Overview pages, you’ll see all utilisations; as well as their respective patients and statuses.
  • You can filter by cycle billing, non-cycle billing, and to only see outstanding utilisations.
  • You can also see who added a Utilisation, or whether it was added automatically.

utilisations global

Utilisations across all patients

Utilisations are automatic

It’s possible to attach utilisations to an appointment type, so when it gets booked - the utilisation is automatically added to the patient. We’d love to hear about any other times you’d like to automatically add a utilisation.

Configure this in Settings → Appointments by adding a product.

Defining products, redefined


Apply different prices when you issue an invoice

  • We’ve introduced custom Billing Categories, this allows you to choose the price that will be applied at invoice-time.
  • There’s always a “Default” price on a product. If you don’t set a billing category price, we’ll always fall back to the default.
  • You might have different prices for different locations, or different insurance types. You might have different prices for patients who have package deals. It’s up to you - it’s flexible and simple.
  • You can only apply one billing category at a time to an invoice.

The new invoicing experience


  • We’ve refreshed the layout, but it should still be familiar!
  • Payment terms: set the default in Settings, and you’ll never need to manually type a due date again. Phew!
  • Billing categories: choose which pricing structure we’ll apply to these products.
  • Patient: is always the current patient, that the invoice is attached to.
  • Issued to: is defaulted to the patient, but you can choose to send the invoice to the partner instead.
  • You can continue to add line items like you can today.

We would love to hear from you

We’re iterating on this and need your feedback. There’s certainly room for improvemnt on billing utilisations against pre-paid plans for example, or the different kinds of activities in the system that can trigger an automated utilisation.

We love your feedback 💬

It makes our day to hear from you - whether you think it's great, or think something could be improved.

Chat to us on Intercom.